I have 3 gorgeous, wonderful love of my life that I named them according to the Alphabet, thus the ABC. They are the reason why I’m doing what I’m doing today! I hope one day they will treasure this….

Baby A is a go-getter and had always been a great achiever! She excels in her own way and manages all her responsibilities well. I guess she takes after the alphabet “A” and always aiming to achieve the top! Go, go, go….mama proud of A always! Chase your dream and live life full my darling Baby A.

Baby B is ever so forgiving despite being top of the list for getting all sorts of punishment due to his mischievous actions. Loveeeee his gadgets and computer games. Boys will be boys! He does enjoy reading and his favourite series are the Percy Jackson for now. Always caught him reading into the night….Despite getting lots of “punishment”, he is the centre of attention for now. I’m spending lots of time with him every morning before he goes to afternoon classes. Enjoy preparing his lunch box daily as he look forward to his daily menu and his positive feedback is my motivation to move ahead! Trying to spend more time with him before he spread his wings and fly…..

Baby C is the my youngest, sweetest and adorable baby. Despite her adorable looks, she is sharp and extremely observant! She is very independent most of the time – perhaps because she is exposed to activities for elder kids (to suit her sis and bro) that we undertook during our family outing. At times, she still comes running to me for help even though she is capable of doing it all by herself. Her attentiveness continue to amaze me, leaving me in awe from her response to the queries. She is definitely much more mature than her age! Should I be concerned? Nah… not for now, at least.

I dedicate this site to them, my precious A.B.C., and hope they will find the content useful some day!

My theme for the site is simple and it circulate around “Action of Love”. My journey begins……