I feel like singing in the rain TODAY!

Reconnected with my childhood friend whom I spent 20 years of education together – from kindergarten till University. She is someone I truly admire, for giving up her career years ago for the love of her family. Chatting with her brought back fond memories and wish the connection can be maintained from now on. I have not seen her for more than 3 years and our last encounter was when she gave birth to her second child then. Baby R was few weeks old and now she is 3 years old. How time flies and catch up with all of us.

Few hours later, a simple text message to someone dear at heart but far away abroad, really made my day! My cousin sister! A simple reply then turn into series of text messages being exchanged back and forth. I AM LOOKING FORWARD FOR THEIR VISIT NEXT YEAR!!! [If you are reading this, dear, this shall be a reminder to make it happen!] She is someone who care, cook & bake and craft for her loved ones too! I still safe keep the beautiful handmade hanger cover she made for me till this day…in fact it is staring at me daily ^.^

Technology had changed the way we communicate and get in touch with one another. Today’s sharing is about slowing down in our life and reconnect with our dear family member and friends. Time will not wait for us but we could make time to exchange few encouragement greetings periodically as long as we put our mind into it.

The positive vibes today had wipe-out my disappointment yesterday with Baby B. I guess it wasn’t the best day yesterday and being in the moment where I questioned my decision to give up my career and yet not achieving what I expected of myself toward guiding Baby B, it was a bad day for me. However, it didn’t end badly though. Despite all the lectures I gave him, he came and hugged me with a whisper of “Thank you mommy!” and recite an unfinished piano pieces just for me at past midnight… it did put a smile on my face before I hit the pillow. Everyday, I question myself on my decision and seeing them smile makes it all worthwhile….😂

Having to spend the time to RE-CONNECT, RE-CHARGE me up! Thank you my dear friend and my dear cousin!