I’m so excited today to read about what happen on Women’s International Day at The Wharf in Washington D.C. The fact that how crochet can bring together a community to make an impact! A crochet mural was put up on The Wharf in Washington D.C. and the nzwas also covered in MySinChew on 9th March 2021. The public figure featured in the mural is none other than Kamala Harris, the Vice President of United States. Since March 2021, she made yet another headline on Washington post “Vice President Harris is making her mark on the Washington-area crochet scene“. I’m looking forward to read more about her relationship with crochet – something that is now part of me!
Crochet had been associated with hobbies of the past – our grandparents generation hobbies. After a century, this hobby had made a comeback….Well, some may say, it never went away….yes, in some part of the world, crochet is a daily routine for some. But from this part of the world where weather is hot and humid throughout the year, crochet products may not be a hit!
However, the crochet trend is making a few headlines in this region and the recent one was featured on Berita Harian “Parti kait-mengait”. I hope to create and share with the young generation on the crochet as a hobby and business via FB group “Crochet Power Club“. Please join the community and I hope to connect with you to make an impact through crochet in our region! Click the picture below to join the Community!
I sincerely hope to spread the words on the goodness of this hobby, to connect with fellow crochet lover, to then make an impact with our hobby! Read about me and crochet at “My hobby is crochet“.
I will share more and hope to catch up in person when the pandemic subside! Till then, stay safe and continue to create your masterpiece!
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